Automated Images capture and GPS Tracking Organization Management


Automated Images capture and GPS Tracking Organization Management







In today's day ,Employee monitoring and tracking has become a crucial issue for both commercial and public institutions and businesses. There have been many methods for evaluating attendance since the beginning of time, one of the oldest being the pen and paper system, which has  drawbacks and disadvantages, the main one being the elimination of  attendance, which is the main part  of the project. Taking attendance in this manner takes some more Itime. Step by step there are Imany change in hot Itechnology. In these Iprocesses have different Iissues to Ieradicate all the Iissues and disadvantages Iwe introduced software Icalled automated I GPS tracking Iand image capture. IIt will track Ithe employee Ifor every 5 Iminutes in the Igeographical coordinates and Ihelp to Icalculate the Ipayroll details.



The main goal of this project is to track the Iemployee using Ian android device Iand calculating Ithe working Ihours he worked. IThis project Icontains itwo part i Ione is ithe Imobile phase iandroid Iapp for ifield Iworkers for itracking Itheir position ifor Ievery 5 iminutes and Ithere is ia web phase where the IiHR and admin will Iimonitor ithe employees and Ifor security ipurpose Iithey are allotted iwith the employee Iidentification inumber and Ipassword iand in the iweb phase the tracking Iiis done under the Iicontrol of HR Iiand admin.



This isystem Icombines ia Web app iwith an iAndroid app, with the user using the Android app and the admin iand HR accessing the Web app. People who work iin

the field will benefit from ithis application. This app iwill be installed ion the user's Android iphone, and when he login, his ipicture and GPS position will be communicated to the admin, who will ibe able to display the image and GPS location in the iweb application. After ilogging in, the system will track the employee's GPS ilocation and communicate it to the admin every i5 minutes. When a user logs out iof the system, ian image is taken iand the user's GPS location iis sent to the admin. ITo keep track of ifield workers' attendance this Isystem plays a imajor role. The admin's task is to add new employees by entering itheir personal information, and then providing the employee iwith an identity inumber and password so ithat he may access the app ion his Android iphone. By providing the employee's Employee Identity iNumber and Date, the admin can view  the employee's iGPS location. By providing the iemployee's Employee Identity Number and Date, the admin ican view the employee's GPS ilocation. When the HR Ilogin to the Isystem he can Icheck the GPS Ilocation and live images of the Iemployee by entering Iemployee ID Iand Date.



        Admin can do access the system.

        Admin Ican add new Iemployee .

        Admin can view IGPS location of Ithe particular Iemployee

        Admin can  Iview latitude Iand longitude of Ithe GPS location Iof the employee.

        HR has access to the system.

        HR can Icheck GPS location Iof the Iemployee.

        The system can track the employee's GPS position and send it Ito the admin every 5 minutes.

        With user  Android phone, the user will log in to the system using his identity number and password. The user will take a picture and then submit it. The user's photo and GPS location will be sent to the admin.

        Whenever user Ilogout the system I, image Iof the user Iand current GPS

Ilocation will Ibe send Ito admine.



Frontend:- For mobile React-Native and For Web React.js

Backend:-Node.js with Postgresql database engine







When employee start the app, he/she get an Onboarding UI which is shown in below figure. Whenever employee login in this system at very first only that time he/she can see this onboarding UI other he will redirect to home page or login page base on authentication.


After that employee will redirect to the login page here employee needs to login using his user identity number and password  .


After that employee will redirect to the permission page here employee needs to give permission of record video and access the photos and media on he/she device.


After login employee image and location is automatically fetch and store in a database so admin can easily moniter it and also by click on this location icon employee can see his//her location on a google map.



You can also see the employee profile just by click on drawer button or sliding home page on right side.


When Admin start the web, he/she get an Onboarding UI which is shown in below figure.


In below image, it is admin login page. Admin can login with his/her login id and password.



From here, Admin will redirect to add employee page here he/she can add employee by providing necessary details like employee identification number, password, name, birth date, Role, Salary etc.


Here, Admin can add the Employee using enter the all the details of employee.

In here, you can see the all the employee those who already added.


After that if admin click on View location page then it will be redirect to the View location page here he can see the live location of the employee on the map and also see their tracking details by just entering his/her identification number.In below image you can see View location page.


Here in below snapshot, Admin can view image of particular employee using his/her employee id means admin can see the live images of employee. 



You can login on a HR section simply click on HR Button.


Un HR section you can see three option only first is view location ,second is view image and last one is logout oprtion.  

Here, HR can view  image of particular employee using his employee identification number it similar like that we show in a admin section.


After that here, Admin can track the location of particular employee using with his/her employee identification number it also similar like that we show in a admin section.


We're implementing automated IGPS location tracking Iand image capture, Iwhich uses the Iemployee's geographical location Ito identify the Ilongitude and latitude positions, Ias well as the path he took during the day to calculate employee attendance.

Github Link of mobile App:- 

Github Link of Web App:- 

Github Link of Backend:-  

Video Link:-
